5 Resources for Personal Enlightenment

These 5 Resources for personal enlightenment are what have been some of the best learnings I’ve used in my own life. The path to personal awakening will be different for everyone. There is no one size fits all when it comes to what we each need for our own growth and development.

However, speaking from personal experience, I certainly can share what have been some of the biggest key influences on me. There have been countless books, podcasts, articles, video documentaries, and other resources that I have used to raise my awareness on life.

Reflecting back over the 10+ years that I’ve been working on my own spiritual development, I have aimed to pull the top 5 biggest influences that have made the most positive impact in my life. These were the most eye opening, big picture perspectives that helped me put actions into place to drive real change.

I hope those that read and come across these suggestions enjoy them and explore them for their own learning and development:

5. Gaia

Gaia is an app that is downloadable to any device and has over 8,000 videos and docuseries that are targeted to expand the consciousness and perspective of their viewers. There are different levels of subscription options and it comes with a free 7 day trial : https://www.gaia.com/

Just a few of the topics you can find are:

  • Mindfulness
  • Energy Healing
  • Ancient & Hidden Civilizations
  • The Afterlife
  • Alternative Realities

One of my favorite series on Gaia is “Missing Links” with Greg Braden, where the past, present, and future of human kind is examined. Greg is a renowned scientist that delves into many mysteries that help examine new learnings on our origins and where our future is taking us. He challenges the status quo of history and the much of the learning that we have been taught. There is so much more to our existence and possibilities of human potential that Greg meticulously explains with drawn out proof of facts and evidence.

Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “Inner Evolution” describes the new learnings of epigenetics and how we can reprogram our genes through conscious thought and targeted focus techniques. These learnings challenge the old-school teachings that we are stuck with what we are born with. We now know through brain elasticity that we can increase our brain function and expand beyond previously believed limitations.

4. E2 – Nine Do it Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout

This book is a short 163 page do it yourself practice guide that proves the universe responds to your thoughts. You literally practice and bring manifesting to life with practical easy to conduct tests. When the lessons of this book are put into play, it is hard not to begin to see our reality for what it truly is – energy and thought responsive.

3. Super Human by Dave Asprey

The reading in “Super Human” is all about putting the health of our bodies first. For we cannot attain optimum levels of consciousness if we do not first provide our bodies with the right nutrition and supplements. Dave takes the reader through easy practical daily changes to health management as well as the care necessary for our cellular make up. In doing the processes taught in this book, we are able to slow down the aging process with possibilities of living well past 100 years, and into realms of previously unthought lifespans.

2. Power vs Force by David Hawkins

Power vs Force” is centered on humanities ability to evolve based on the levels of our consciousness. When we are based in lower levels of consciousness such as “fear” or “jealousy,” we cannot empower ourselves to achieve greater good. Because we attract what we put out energetically, we will forever be attracting to ourselves the energetic state that we are operating within. When we reach higher levels such as “love” and “peace” we begin to bring about higher level energy frequencies that begin to empower us.

  1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This book changed my life. From high blood pressure and anxiety to now completely normal and so much more calm and present. And not just health wise, but from the aspect of a calm and centered ability to notice our ego, the inner voice in our head. In this book, we learn that every moment only occurs presently. The past is gone and the future is only generated through our present actions. The only way to bring full awareness and peace is to be in the present moment.

Feel free to comment if you have any personal experiences with any of these resources. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what impact they may have made for you. Also, please share any of your own personal resources that have made a great impact for you in your life and journeys. I hope that these 5 Resources for personal enlightenment help anyone that comes across them as much as they have me.

5 Resources for Personal Enlightenment

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